Friday, 29 June 2012

Afterlife by Claudia Gray: Review

 Despite how awesome this book was, I just had to put it down to four stars. It was predictable, and even though it was full of action, It really wasn't a good ending for the Evernight series. Like, here's an example. How did I know that when they did their big plan of collecting all the wraith traps, that it would be during the dance? When EVERYONE is there, and it won't attract attention. I mean, Come on. Everyone has done a dance. And While I can't really think of another way to do it, I'm sure that there was another way. If that makes sense.

Like I said up there, It wasn't really a good ending. I mean, hey. everything's back to the way it was, except Bianca is still a supernatural superhero. Which might be a good thing, but she's still dead. Almost everything else is the same. This book left a space at the end of it. It might've been a cute, happy ending, but hey. There should be more. This book was written  more like a middle book, rather than an ending book. And even though there's no more Evernight Academy, it still feels like there should be another book.. If you get what I mean.

Overall, It was still pretty good. I'm not sure if it was the best one, but it was good. It was better than the others, (that I can remember). Which is also a good thing. It's cute that they're staying together until the end of Lucas's life. It's cute that they're a couple. But come on. She save your life. Wouldn't you do everything to make it up to her? Just a thought. I would recommend this book to people who want to read the last book in the series, and to people who haven't read the series yet, I think you should. It was interesting. It might've been almost like a fairy tale rip off, but it's good. It's happy. haha. So, that's it. Thanks for reading(:

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Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Glitch by Heather Anastasui: Review

First things first.
I would like to thank the publisher and netgalley for letting me read this early.
It was awesome.
Like. So awesome.
Like. So awesome, you don't even know. haha.

Now, Onto the review.
This book is set in a future where everyone is robot-like.
They have chips inserted into the back of their necks, and anywhere else they can control them.
So basically, they're just puppets used to create things for people.
They live underground, and are 'perfect'.
There may not be any wars, any fighting, but the people have no control.
Over anything.
Not even themselves.
They can't see colour,
They can't taste things, and
They have no emotions.
Which might be a good thing sometimes,
But trust me.
In this book,
It is definitely a bad, bad thing.

Thinking that she's the only one glitching,
Zoel Q-24 struggles to stay off of the radar.
Yes, She has a weird name.
I mean, that's not even a last name.
But hey, they are almost robots, and this is the future.
Who knows what names will turn into?
Until she starts to freak out one day while she's in for a checkup,
She really doesn't know what's happening.
All she knows, is that there's a boy following her,
And she can't escape the power's that she's developing.

This book was exciting, and it was full of things I never thought would happen.
I didn't suspect that the things that happened,
Were going to happen,
And I loved it.
Honestly. I couldn't put it down. :D
Well, Except when my laptop died.
But you get the point.
The characters were awesome,
And the plot twists kept me engaged.
What more could you ask for? :D

Fated by Alyson Noel: Review

I was hoping that this book was going to be better than her other books.
Because I was tired of reading books that sounded like they were written for twelve year olds.
And I wasn't disappointed.

This book was unlike any of Alyson Noel's other books.
Which is a good thing, by the way.
It was exciting,
The characters were awesome,
And the book was engaging.
I couldn't put it down.
I might've said that about her other books,
But that's because I wanted to finish the series. ;P
This one, I couldn't put down because it was awesome.
Absolutely full of awesomeness. haha.

At first, I thought this book was ripping off a couple other books.
But hey,
More than one books uses witchcraft in it,
And I just left it at that.
If I thought of books that way, then almost every books out there rips off other books.
Which may be true, in a way,
But it's not always the case.
This book was a fresh idea,
And I'm glad it was.
She needed some new ideas.
And I'm happy to say,
She improved in her writing skills.
Like I said up there,
It didn't feel like I was reading a book for twelve year olds.

So, Overall.
This book was pretty awesome.
You should definitely check it out. (:
And that's coming from me.
I was really tired of Alyson Noel's books.
Thats how you know it's good. :D

Check out my group :P

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare: Review

Finally, after almost a year, I'm finished.
Not that I couldn't finish it,
I could.
I loved it.
It's just that I didn't have the book again until now.
Which sucks.
You know how long I had to wait?!
You do.
A year.

I can't believe that's the end of the book.
Now I have to go get the new one.
Which sucks,
Because I really don't want to go out right now. haha.
But really?
That's it?
Way to just drop off. haha.
Damn cliffhangers.

So, There wasn't really anything I didn't like about this book.
Aside from actual things that happened that wouldn't let me finish it,
But that doesn't count. :P
This review is short for that reason only.
I could probably think of something for it,
But It would just be babble.
And you wouldn't want that, would you?
Oh wait.
I'm babbling. :P

That's it.
That's all I have to say.
It was awesome,
And I think everyone should read this series. (:

Check out my group!(:

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Shopaholic and Sister by Sophie Kinsella: Review

First of all.
Always look at a book before you buy it.
Not that I wasn't going to buy it,
Just that I didn't know it was the 4th book..
I've only read the first one.
But it was pretty awesome, none the less. :D

Now I've gotta watch out for the second and third books,
Because I still need to read those.
But that's alright,
Because I got this at the Salvation Army.
For like a dollar.

Becky and Luke are finally on their 10 month long honeymoon.
Man, If only I had the money.
I would totally go on an extra long vacation.
And guess where they went?

Honestly, I wasn't really expecting this.
That's probably because I didn't know it was the fourth book,
But still.
What a shock I got.
But anyways.
It was a really good book.
Becky is an ecstatic character,
And I think I would love to know someone like that.

There was good parts, and there was bad parts,
And although there weren't really badly written parts,
I can't say I didn't love every part in this book.
Maybe when she was whining.
That got old.. really fast. haha.

So. Read this book if you like something different.
And I'm sure this is the only 'adult' series I read.
Which is a good thing.
Maybe this can transition me into adult fiction. :P
Not sure I'm ready for that!
But yeah,
This is an awesome series. Haha.
I always laugh. :P

Check out my Group!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Everlasting by Alyson Noel: Review

Here's the thing.
It's not that this was a bad book,
I'm sure there are lots of people that were totally in love with it.
It's just that there are some parts,
(and by some I mean more than just some)
that didn't make sense,
or there were parts that i couldn't really read because they were..
too detailed? is that the word?
probably not. hah.
But yeah.
Most of the time when Ever was talking,
I couldn't see anyone saying any of it.
Never ever ever.
And that's weird, because
Not one thing that came out of her mouth made sense to me.
Just like most of this review.
So, If you'll excuse me,
I'm just going to change the subject. hahah.

This book fell short of my expectations.
I thought, because of everyone pumping it up,
That it was going to be epic.
And some people thought it was.
But I just thought that the adventure scenes sort of
Copied each other,
And where they should have maybe been a chapter,
It was only like a page.
That's annoying.
When she just crams as much as she can into a page..
It doesn't help with my short attention span. :P

Although I gave it four stars,
I'm being generous.
I don't like being mean. haha.
And also, I'm sure there will be people chewing me apart if I put it lower.
But that's not the whole reason.
It's also because, honestly, I liked the end.
And not because it was the last book.
I liked it because it was a cute ending.
That's about it.
Not as good as the other books,
But still alright.

Check out my Group! :D

Monday, 4 June 2012

Forever by Maggie Siefvater :Review

No! It can't be over!
I'll have to admit,
I almost cried when I reached the end.
I'll miss them.
But wow, what an awesome book.
Still can't believe that's it.
It's too soon. hah.

I absolutely love how the first book and the last book were connected.
it was like the whole thing went in a circle.
Which is awesome for books,
It always makes them awesome. hah.
You know.
It's a really lame one.
Which this was not!

One thing I didn't like about it, though,
Was how Graces parents were so...
I don't know the word.
It was almost like they were disconnected from her
Even at the beginning.
Which, to be honest, was interesting,
But it was kind of weird.
I mean.
Who's parents do that to their kid?

Grace and Sam are THE cutest couple I've read about so far.
And if you haven't read this series,
I strongly recommend it.
You won't be disappointed.
Trust me(:

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