Thursday, 28 February 2013

Fateful by Claudia Gray

This is my new favourite book. I mean, I use that term loosely, but this book really is awesome. I've never actually read a book about the titanic, much less the titanic with werewolves. Which is great. It kept me plugged in the whole time, and I couldn't put it down. I was kind of curious about the sister though, why they brought her up, but by the end I realized it was foreshadowing. Sad foreshadowing. Idk. I really liked this book, and you should definitely read it if you haven't already. I absolutely loved the idea of the titanic, even though I barely knew anything about it, and hadn't seen the movie.. which is a little crazy. haha. I mean who hasn't seen the titanic? I'll have to get around to it one of these days. :P Sorry for the short review, and sorry I haven't been reviewing lately! Kind of needed a break from reading for a while. :P


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

My Blood Approves by Amanda Hocking

I actually really liked this book. It's probably one of the only times i'll say I liked the insta-love. Which is horrible, I know. I've been there before. It's not a good time when insta-love takes over, but I have to say. Here, it worked. In other books, it definitely doesn't work. This book was about a girl who meets this guy (who turns out to be a vampire with a vampire family) and findss out that his 'brother' is made for her. Now I don't really know the whole part about it, it's been a while since I read the book and I start to forget things, sorry! haha. this is why I can't put these off. But anyways. She falls in love with the guy who she's supposed to be with's brother, which is crazy or something I guess. Everyone in the book made a big scene about it. And then it's the decision she has to make (to be a vampire or not to be a vampire ;D)  But anyways. I still liked it. You should definitely read it. :P  Sorry it's so short!


Sunday, 3 February 2013

The Awakening by L.J. Smith

Ugh. I don't even know why I read this book. Maybe because I watched the tv show once or twice and thought, hey, I should check these books out! Wow. I kind of regret it now. I dunno. I wasn't really into this book. I mean, I've got more of the books, and I'm probably going to read it just for the hell of it, but I'm not totally sure if I'm going to like it. It was alright. I couldn't really get into it though, and found myself skimming most of the book. The worst part? The insta-love. Ugh, why. It was like three days tops of hanging out and you were like. Oh Stefen. I love you. And then for the rest of the book up until the end you were like. WHY WON'T HE LOVE ME WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME UGH UGH I HATE THIS UGH. Just stop it. You're dramatic. I want to smack you. Just so you know. I don't know why those other dramatic girls put up with your rants but oh wait because they all did it too. Just ugh. I don't like it.
I've literally seen the tv show like three times. I thought the books would be better than that, because that's usually how it works. But nope. definitely not with this one.. lol. Read it if you dare. I've heard awesome things about these books, but I really don't think they delivered. Just so you know. It's just a little warning. It's boring. hahah.


A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young

I'm going to be totally honest here. I thought this was going to be a sex book. And because of that, I was a little unsure if I should read it. Lucky for me, I read up on it again before actually reading it. Yay. It wasn't a sex book. I'm happy about that. Those kind of make me uncomfortable, because this one time I saw like an 80 year old women in the sex book section of a book store and I was like. Uhh. Kay. And then I left. But anyways. Back to the review.
I literally read this whole book in one sitting. It was awesome! I definitely couldn't put it down, and I could not pull myself out of this book. I mean. Foster care, Ditched as a child, and Confusing things are happening? I love books like that. I especially liked this book because even though it jumped right into the story like we were supposed to know the characters already, I dunno. It just kind of worked this time. Usually I'm totally lost but in this book, it just sucked me in even more. Which is awesome. I'm going to read the other one for sure. Angels aren't one of my favourite subjects. Maybe because I'm not into that whole bible thing. I mean, sure, it's interesting, but I always seem to get a little bored with the whole idea. Definitely not with this book. It's a whole other take on the angels and demons thing. They're actually helping people in this book, instead of just standing back and watching things go down the drain. It might be hard and they are eventually forgotten, but at least they're making a difference.
You should definitely check out this book if you haven't already! :D
